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Alexander Kirsner Autor Аннотация писателя Свобода 1K +1K 22/09/2023 20:36:57 Поэзия, Теги: alchemy, alexandr korol, alternative history, axismundi, great work, magnum opus

Pisatel Book Autor Аннотация писателяIn September 2010, I set out to write this novel for the first time.
And for over 10 years, whenever I was in the Spirit, I kept writing this book.
It is now August 26, 2023, and I have finished this book.
This novel is written from a first-person perspective .
Not everyone will be able to read it; only those with pure hearts will comprehend its depth.
This book is a living entity.. it's endless...

You can read the book here: Alternative History. Alexandr Korol 0K 22/09/2023 20:36:31 Альтернативная история, Теги: alchemy, alexandr korol, alternative history, axismundi, great work, magnum opus